Privacy Policy

All information collected will be used to improve your experience on our website. The information collected may include your name, email, telephone number and/or others.

The use of noticias Tecnologia presupposes acceptance of this Privacy Agreement. If the user does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy, they should not access and/or use the content offered by noticias Tecnologia. By using the website, the User acknowledges and fully agrees with the processing of their data, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the General Terms and Conditions of Use.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, without Users' consent or notification, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately after their publication on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that they have been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.

noticias Tecnologia respects the privacy of its users and transparency in the way data is used. Our Privacy Policy was prepared in accordance with international and national data protection standards.

This Privacy Policy must be read and interpreted in conjunction with the General Terms and Conditions of Use of noticias Tecnologia, available at

General information for users

Noticias Tecnologia aims to share information with its Users, making knowledge accessible to everyone. The user can browse the technology news website without having to register previously.

Noticias Tecnologia follows international security norms and standards in the storage, protection, privacy and transmission of data, highlighting that no method of storage, protection, privacy and transmission of data is 100% safe and inviolable.

noticias Tecnologia adopts practices and technologies that are constantly reviewed and improved, according to technical and regulatory advances, national and foreign. When we talk about protection we are referring to any unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your data. To prevent this from happening, we invest in measures that include encrypted communications, access control, adherence to secure software development, internal compliance policies, and accountability and risk mitigation measures that enable security in the data lifecycle. User information is also stored in secure, renowned and internationally recognized databases.

Noticias Tecnologia does not, under any circumstances, request sums of money to release any type of product, whatever it may be. If this happens, let us know immediately.

We work to keep all information as up to date as possible. However, it is worth noting that this information may differ from the information found on the websites of institutions or service providers of a specific website. We do not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the information. Always remember to read the conditions of use and terms of the institutions you choose. We receive a small amount from advertising on our website and from our partners when we refer a user who requests a product or proposal. Everything we publish is based on quantitative and qualitative evaluations of each product. It is worth mentioning that our partners can directly influence the products we write and review about, and also the order of the “best” articles and product positioning in technology news. Given the amount of information on our website, we do not provide any type of guarantee regarding the quality and currency of the information; Therefore, we prioritize information from our partners.

To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed.

Links to Third Party Sites

noticias Tecnologia has links to other websites, which, in our opinion, may contain useful information/tools for our visitors. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content present on these same websites. noticias Tecnologia does not exercise any type of control over them and, therefore, is exempt from any responsibility in the relationships established between the User and third-party products and services advertised on the website.

Once you leave our website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Privacy Policy or our website's Terms of Service.

If after you opt-in, you change your mind, you may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use or disclosure of your information, at any time, by contacting us at

Non-personal data

When users do not request free content from noticias Tecnologia (e-books, quizzes, articles, infographics, among others), non-personal data may be tracked and collected, indicating, among other details, which pages of the website were visited , when they were visited, which hyperlinks were clicked, which content or services were requested or recommended, among others.


Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads. With the DART cookie, Google can serve ads based on your visits to other websites on the Internet. Users may disable the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

noticias Tecnologia uses cookies to help collect data and IP (Internet Protocol) identification information to facilitate User navigation, helping to guarantee the security, protection and authenticity of data.

In addition, we also use third-party advertising on our website to support maintenance costs. Some of these advertisers may use technologies such as cookies when they advertise on our website, which will mean that these advertisers (such as Google through Google AdSense and Ad Exchange) will also receive your personal information, such as your IP address, your ISP, your browser, etc. This function is generally used for geotargeting (showing ads that make sense based on your geographic location).

The User may at any time change whether or not to accept cookies in their browser configuration, noting that by deactivating navigation cookies some of the features of the news technology may be impaired.

Personally Identifiable Data

To access free content on noticias Tecnologia, such as articles, ebooks, quizzes, among others, the user must provide some identifiable personal data, namely: email and full name.

The purposes of the identifiable personal data processed by noticias Tecnologia are:

– Correct and accurate identification of the User, thus ensuring greater security and protection for the Users themselves;

– Access to services and products made available by noticias Tecnologia;

– Analysis of User profiles by noticias Tecnologia with the aim of indicating the best products and information according to their real needs and reality.

Aiming for an even more precise analysis of the User's profile, noticias Tecnologia may carry out research to obtain more and better information about you and, thus, indicate personalized products and services according to the preferences and needs of each User.

In this way, noticias Tecnologia and partner companies will be able to invite Users to participate in satisfaction surveys, where emails will be sent with the necessary guidance. The data collected will be used with the main objective of seeking improvements in the systems, products, content and services offered by noticias Tecnologia and partner companies.

If a user contacts us to report a problem, question or obtain support, we collect and store the user's contact information, as well as the respective messages and other data necessary to investigate the problem or question. This data will be used to resolve any queries based on the information collected, resolve doubts, correct problems and improve the system, further improving the User experience within the technology news.

About data sharing

noticias Tecnologia will not sell information or personal data of its Users, but may share them with partner companies for the purpose of being able to indicate products and services that best suit their profile and needs or to provide products and/or services requested by the User.

noticias Tecnologia reserves the right to assist or cooperate with any judicial authority or governmental body, and may share Users' personally identifiable data in order to: a) establish or exercise their legal rights; b) protect their properties; c) when you consider that your assistance or cooperation is necessary to protect your Users, collaborators, administrators or anyone harmed by the action or omission.

About untreated and uncollected data

noticias Tecnologia does not process personal data of children under 13 (thirteen) years of age, without prior authorization from their parents or legal guardians.

If the personal data of children under 13 (thirteen) years of age is collected and processed, without the express authorization of their parents or legal guardians, in an unintentional manner, noticias Tecnologia will delete all collected data, without any type of notice. prior.

If the User becomes aware that we have mistakenly processed a child's data, we ask that they immediately contact us via email, so that we can take the necessary measures.

Ricardo Sanches

I am a specialist in Information Technology and currently work as a writer on the Notícia Tecnologia blog. My mission is to create informative and engaging content for you, bringing you news and trends from the technological world on a daily basis.